
We offer a range of services and solutions to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of power generation facilities. Our expertise covers various aspects of thermal power stations, including:  Read More

We provide comprehensive maintenance and inspection services to ensure the integrity and reliability of equipment and systems on the oil platform. Our team conducts regular inspections, preventive maintenance Read More

Gas flaring is a common practice in the oil and gas industry, and we offer a range of services and solutions to address the challenges associated with gas flaring. Our expertise in gas flaring encompasses various areas Read More

We provide professional installation services for oil pumps, ensuring proper alignment, connection to the piping system, and integration with control and monitoring systems. Read More

We provide comprehensive maintenance and turnaround services for oil refineries, ensuring the integrity and reliability of equipment and systems. Our team conducts regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and equipment servicing Read More

Comprehensive maintenance and reliability services to ensure the smooth functioning of factory equipment and minimize unplanned downtime.  conducting routine inspections, conducting safety audits Read More

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) services play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficient operation of various components and systems. Our NDT services for power stations encompass a wide range of techniques Read More

 We employ various NDT techniques such as ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and visual inspection to monitor and assess the corrosion levels of critical equipment and infrastructure in the eco refinery. Read More

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